Selected Works
In a slim volume of tightly worded poems, Doan has created a framework through which to view her own processing of intergenerational trauma. Doan’s terse poetry marks a personal catharsis even as it steals its resolve by calling out the postcolonial suffering still felt in younger generations. — Booklist
Ignited by the suicide of her great grandmother, mai c. doan conjures the visceral, the intuitive, and the felt to give voice to the gendered and intergenerational impacts of violence, colonialism, and American empire. Out from silence, water/tongue crafts a constellation of voices spanning time, geography, and dimension, illuminating a pathway for both healing and resistance, for both poetry and sharpened teeth.
A 2020 Lambda Literary Award Finalist in Poetry
Thank you for supporting me by purchasing my book from me directly!
Apogee Journal
My piece, Late Summer 2020, in Apogee Journal, Issue 16
The Recluse
Five poems in the Recluse, by the Poetry Project
TRANSGRESSIONS, a digital poetry chapbook
Three Poets of Color on How Their First Book Came to Be, Rebellious Magazine, 2019
Interview with mai c doan, TIMBER Journal, 2018
Blessed Be #3 with Mai Doan, Anomaly Journal, 2016